Thursday, September 4, 2008

Two Great Secrets Revealed

The past two weekends at our beloved Secret Saturday Shows has given me a chance to hear and meet two wonderful musicians, Tiziano Dominico and georgia's Horse. I had always wanted to see georgia's Horse (Tiziano is/was the bass player) when they used to play out more frequently but somehow I always ended up missing out. I was probably being a flake or forgetting things as usual.

Tiziano played with Female Demand, St.Elias from Colorado, and our favorite co-conspirators Lenny Briscoe. Lenny sounded quite fresh that day, and had an added bonus as Neil from Lazy Horse laid down some smooth bass lines to spice things up. I love these guys and their music is just as swell as the people. Tiziano took the stage afterwards and began to stroll through his songs on electric guitar. His voice is smooth and lovely and seems to rain down softly on all those watching. I'm still trying to place my finger on who he sometimes reminds me of, like a mix of the Blackheart Procession, Patrick Wolf at his good moments, and maybe some Beirut. Definitely worth checking out when you get a chance. Female Demand ended the day with their two piece drum and bass show and I was quite impressed. Drum and bass as in real instruments not some jungle/d&b electronic act. Those guys played fast and loud and sounded great together. I'm sure they will be around again.

Lenny Briscoe - I Am An American

Tiziano Dominico - A Hidden Sun

Georgia's Horse played the next weekend with Wolves at the Door and SSS regulars Lazy Horse. I was very excited for this and I think I still am. Seeing georgia's Horse has been on the top of my to-do list for some time now and I finally got to check it off. Now I only have 21734619 more things to do... She's got such a great vocal range and very entrancing voice, it will leave you wanting more for sure. In fact, I've been listening to the cd-r of her set quite frequently since then and I can't get enough. She told me her label, fire records, will be releasing a few 7"s of hers and a digital download of all 8, yes 8!, of her albums in January I believe. Wolves at the Door played next and I was blown away. These kids have got a great sound going on and I'd like to see/hear more of these guys. They have a wonderful experimental indie rock thing going on with bits of trumpet flailing through the mix and catchy rhythms(though not poppy at all). Lazy Horse finished out the day and killed it as usual. They seem to get better and tighter everytime I see them play. Charles was back for this show to provide some leg kicking and I don't think Neil even broke a string!!

georgia's Horse - Oh Come Hollow Horse

Wolves at the Door - Gray Bears

Lazy Horse - Pimp Bot

These past two weekends have been great for our Secret Saturday Shows at the Shady Tavern, as they are most every week. Come experience it for yourself every Saturday from 2-5PM! 1206 W 20th St. Oh yeah, it's free too..

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